Counseling in McMinnville

for Individuals, Couples and Families

Individual Counseling

We work with individuals to address a variety of life issues, including but not limited to depressed mood, anxiety issues, anger, grief and loss. Counseling in McMinnville Counseling in Newberg


Couple Counseling

Our work with couples aims at healing broken marriages and creating healthy marriages that are both lasting and satisfying. We also provide premarital counseling and marriage enrichment programs.

Family Counseling

The family unit is a powerful influence in our lives. Whether we work with a family, a couple or an individual, the family system remains in focus. Family counseling may help most when addressing parenting issues and other relational issues within family life (i.e., loss of a parent, loss of a child/sibling, divorce, step-parenting, blended family issues, etc.).

Billing & Fees*

Fees for each 50 minute individual counseling session range from $85 to $120. Fees for additional services may be discussed as needed. Reduced fees, according to our sliding scale schedule, may be accepted upon request. We may bill for some Insurance Providers, and Dr. Connor is a network provider with:


United Behavioral Healthcare


*Your counselor may provide documentation for insurance claims as an out-of-network provider. Fees may be adjusted to accommodate special circumstances.